Xiaoqian YanPostdoctoral Researcher (2016-) |
University of Louvain (UCL) Tel : +32 10 47
Research Interests
I am interested in understanding how different aspects of faces (i.e., identity, facial expression, race, gender, age…) are represented in human brain. During my PhD at York University, I investigated the cross-cultural similarities and differences in facial expression and identity processing and their related neural mechanisms. I am also interested in investigating the neural network of face processing and how it could be modulated by bottom-up and top-down factors. I am now focused on using the Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation (FPVS) in EEG and fMRI to address these questions of my interest.
Yan, X. Q., Andrews, T. J., & Young, A. W. (2016a). Cultural similarities and differences in perceiving and recognizing facial expressions of basic emotions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 423-440.PDF
Yan, X. Q., Andrews, T. J., Jenkins, R., & Young, A. W. (2016b). Cross-cultural differences and similarities underlying other-race effects for facial identity and expression. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 1247-1254. PDF
Yan, X. Q., Young, A. W., & Andrews, T. J. (accepted). Differences in holistic processing do not explain cultural differences in the recognition of facial expressions. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.