Corentin JacquesPhD (2007) Postdoctoral Researcher 2012- |
Université de Lorraine - CNRS Pavillon Krug ( CC-1), Hopital Central CHRU Nancy - University Hospital of Nancy 29 Av. du maréchal de Lattres de Tassigny 54035 NANCY Cedex, FRANCE
Research Interests
- Temporal dynamics of face processing using electrophysiology (ERP's).
- Competition between high level face representations.
- For more information, see the research projects on the time course of face processing and the N170 and the face inversion effect)
Jonas, J.*, Jacques, C.*, Liu-Shuang, J., Brissart, H., Colnat-Coulbois, S., Maillard, L., Rossion, B. (in press). A face-selective ventral occipito-temporal map of the human brain with intracerebral potentials. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.[PDF]
Jonas, J., Rossion, B., Brissart, H., Frismand, S., Jacques, C., Hossu, G., Colnat-Coulbois, S., Vespignani, Vignal, Maillard, L. (in press). Beyond the core face-processing network: intracerebral stimulation of a face-slective area in the right anterior fusiform gyrus elicits transient prosopagnosia. Cortex, 72, 140-155. [PDF] [VIDEOS]
Jacques, C.*, Retter, T. L.* & Rossion, B. (2016). A single glance at a face generates larger and qualitatively different category-selective spatio-temporal signatures than other ecologically-relevant categories in the human brain. NeuroImage, 137, 21-33. [PDF]
Rossion, B., Torfs, K., Jacques, C., Liu-Shuang, J. (2015). Fast periodic presentation of natural face images reveals a robust face-selective electrophysiological response in the human brain. Journal of Vision, 15, 1, 18. [PDF] Natural Face Stimuli used in the study
Rangarajan, V., Hermes, D. Foster, B. L. Weiner, K.S., Jacques, C., Grill-Spector, K. Parvizi, J. (2014). Electrical Stimulation of the Left and Right Human Fusiform Gyrus Causes Different Effects in Conscious Face Perception. Journal of Neuroscience, 34, 12828-12836.
Jonas, J., Rossion, B., Krieg, J., Koessler, L., Colnat-Coulbois, S., Vespignani, H., Jacques, C., Vignal, J.-P., Brissart, H., Maillard, L. (2014). Intracerebral electrical stimulation of a face-selective area in the right inferior occipital cortex impairs individual face discrimination. NeuroImage, 99, 487-497.
Jacques, C., Schiltz, C., Goffaux, V. (2014). Face perception is tuned to horizontal orientation in the N170 time window. Journal of Vision, 14(2):5, 1–18, doi:10.1167/14.2.5. [PDF]
Parvizi, J., Jacques, C., Foster, B.L., Witthoft, N., Rangarajan, V., Weiner, K.S., Grill-Spector, K. (2012). Electrical stimulation of human fusiform face-selective regions distorts face perception, Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 14915-14920. [PDF]
Caharel, S., Jacques, C., d'Arripe, O., Ramon, M., & Rossion, B. (2011). Early electrophysiological correlates of adaptation to personally familiar and unfamiliar faces across viewpoint changes. Brain Research, 1387: 85-98. [PDF]
Kuefner, D., Jacques, C., Prieto, E.A., Rossion, B. (2010). Electrophysiological correlates of the composite face illusion: disentangling perceptual and decisional components of holistic face processing in the human brain. Brain and Cognition, 74, 225-238. [PDF]
Jacques, C., Rossion, B. (2010). Misaligning face halves increases and delays the N170 specifically for upright faces: implications for the nature of early face representations. Brain Research, 1318, 96-109. [PDF]
Kuefner, D., de Heering, A., Jacques, C., Palmero-Soler, E., Rossion, B. (2010). Early visually evoked electrophysiological responses over the human brain (P1, N170) show stable patterns of face-sensitivity from 4 years to adulthood. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 3:67. doi:10.3389/neuro.09.067.2009 [PDF]
Caharel, S., d'Arripe, O., Ramon, M., Jacques, C., Rossion, B. (2009). Early adaptation to unfamiliar faces across viewpoint changes in the right hemisphere: evidence from the N170 ERP component. Neuropsychologia, 47, 639-643. [PDF]
Jacques, C., Rossion, B. (2009). The initial representation of individual faces in the right occipito-temporal cortex is holistic: electrophysiological evidence from the composite face illusion. Journal of Vision, 9(6):8, 1–16,, doi:10.1167/9.6.8. [PDF]
Mariol, M., Jacques, C. Schelstraete, M-A, Rossion, B. (2008). The Speed of Orthographic Processing during Lexical Decision: Electrophysiological Evidence for Independent Coding of Letter Identity and Letter Position in Visual Word Recognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20, 1283-1299.
Rossion, B. & Jacques, C. (2008). Does physical interstimulus variance account for early electrophysiological face sensitive responses in the human brain? Ten lessons on the N170. NeuroImage, 39, 1959-1979. [PDF]
Bentin, S., Taylor, M.J. Rousselet, G.A., Itier, R.J., Caldara, R., Schyns, P.G., Jacques, C. & Rossion, B. (2007). Much ado about nothing: controlling interstimulus perceptual variance does not abolish N170 face sensitivity, Nature Neuroscience, 10, 801-802. [PDF] [+ supplementary figures 1 2 3 4]
Jacques, C. d'Arripe, O., Rossion, B. (2007). The time course of the inversion effect during individual face discrimination. Journal of Vision, 7(8):3, 1-9,, doi:10.1167/7.8.3. [PDF]
Jacques, C. & Rossion, B. (2007). Electrophysiological evidence for temporal dissociation between spatial attention and sensory competition during human face processing. Cerebral Cortex, 17, 1055-1065. [PDF]
Jacques, C. & Rossion, B. (2007). Early electrophysiological responses to multiple face orientations correlate with individual discrimination performance in humans. NeuroImage, 36, 863-876. [PDF]
Jacques, C. & Rossion, B. (2006). The speed of individual face categorization. Psychological Science,17, 485-492. [PDF]
Jacques, C. & Rossion, B. (2006). The time course of visual competition to the presentation of centrally fixated faces. Journal of Vision, 6, 154-162. [PDF]
Goffaux, V., Jacques, C., Mouraux, A., Oliva, A., Schyns, P. G., Rossion, B. (2005). Diagnostic Colors Contribute to the Early Stages of Scenes Categorization: Behavioral and Neurophysiological Evidence. Visual Cognition, 12, 878-892. [PDF]
Jacques, C. & Rossion, B. (2004). Concurrent processing reveals competition between visual representations of faces. Neuroreport, 15, 2417-2421. [PDF] [slideshow summary]
Goffaux, V., Jemel, B., Jacques, C., Rossion, B., Schyns, P.G. (2003). ERP evidence for task modulations on face perceptual processing at different spatial scales. Cognitive Science, 27, 313-325. [PDF]
Jacques, JM, Bodson, D., Hennuy, L., Jacques, C., Wallemacq, A. (2002). L'organisation forme l'information qui la forme. Le Manuel de la Police (Ed. Kluwer), 65, 89-107.