Justine DavidPhD student |
Université de Lorraine - CNRS Pavillon Krug ( CC-1), Hopital Central CHRU Nancy - University Hospital of Nancy 29 Av. du maréchal de Lattres de Tassigny 54035 NANCY Cedex, FRANCE Email : justine.david@univ-lorraine.fr |
Research Interets
I have always been interested in cognitive science and more particularly in understanding brain mechanisms underlying our behaviour. Since my internship in the Face Categorization Lab, I have developed interests in high-level visual perception research. During my master's degree in clinical cognitive neuroscience, I have strengthened my attraction to the study of pathological cognitive functioning. Combining these two domains, the aim of my PhD is to use fast periodic visual stimulation and electroencephalography to study face and visual word recognition in Alzheimer’s disease patients. With this project, our goal is to define new easy-to-use clinical EEG biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease.