Milena Dzhelyova

   Postdoctoral Researcher




University of Louvain (UCL)
Institute of research in Psychology (IPSY)  
Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS)
10, Place du Cardinal Mercier
1348 Louvain-La-Neuve \ Belgium

Tel : +32 10 47 47 51
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Research Interests

My research interests focus on face perception and particularly on social attributions. During my PhD, I have investigated attributions of cooperation and trustworthiness. Cues related to these traits are provided by different sources of information: facial characteristics, behavioural information, reputation, and previous experience. In particular occasions this information could be conflicting. My PhD project was focused on which facial aspects people use to form these attributions and how a conflict between different sources of information is resolved. I have used behavioural and neurophysiological methods.

More recently, I have been fascinated by the steady state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP) as a technique to investigate perception and attention. Currently, I am interested in exploring the advantages of SSVEP in studying face perception and social attributions.



Under review

Vettori, S., Dzhelyova, M., Van der Donck, S., Jacques, C., Steyaert, J., Rossion, B., & Boets, B (under review). Frequency-tagging EEG of superimposed social and non-social visual streams reveals reduced saliency of social information in boys with autism.

Poncet, F., Leleu, A., Rekow, D., Damon, F., Dzhelyova, M., Schaal, B, Durand K., Faivre, L., Rossion, B., Baudouin, Y. (under review). A neural marker of rapid discrimination of facial expression in 3.5- and 7-month-old infants. Child Development.

Quiling L. & Dzhelyova, M. (in revision). Consistent behavioural and electrophysiological evidence for rapid perceptual discrimination among human basic facial expressions. Cognitive and Affective Behavioral Neuroscience.

Van der Donck, S., Dzhelyova, M., Vettori,S., Mahdia, S.S.,  Claes, P., Steyaert, J., Rossion, B., & Boets, B (in revision). The facial expression-processing deficit in boys with ASD seems to be emotion-specific: lower neural sensitivity only to angry and fearful faces. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Dzhelyova, M., Schiltz, C., Rossion, B. (in revision). Relationship between the Benton face recognition test and face individuation response as revealed by fast periodic stimulation. Perception.

Vettori, S., Dzhelyova, M., Van der Donck, S., Jacques, C., Steyaert, J., Rossion, B., & Boets, B. (in revision). Combined frequency-tagging EEG and eye tracking reveal reduced social bias in boys with autism spectrum disorder.


Van der Donck S., Dzhelyova, M., Vettori, S., Thielen, H., Steyaert, J., Rossion, B. & Boets,B. (2019). Fast periodic visual stimulation EEG reveals reduced neural sensitivity to fearful faces in children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49, 4658. doi: 10.1007/s10803-019-04172-0

Quiling L, Rossion, B. & Dzhelyova, M. (2019). A robust implicit measure of facial attractiveness discrimination. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 14 (7), 737-746, doi:0.1093/scan/nsz043

Dzhelyova, M., Dormal, G., Jacques, C., Michel, C., Schiltz, C & Rossion, B. (2019). High test-retest reliability of a neural index of rapid automatic discrimination of unfamiliar individual faces, Visual Cognition, 27(2), 127-141 doi: 10.1080/13506285.2019.1616639

Vettori, S., Dzhelyova, M., Van der Donck, S., Jacques, C., Steyaert, J., Rossion, B., & Boets, B. (2019). Reduced neural sensitivity to rapid individual face discrimination in autism spectrum disorder. NeuroImage: Clinical, 21, 101613. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2018.101613

Poncet, F., Baudouin, J. Y., Dzhelyova, M. P., Rossion, B., & Leleu, A. (2019). Rapid and automatic discrimination between facial expressions in the human brain. Neuropsychologia, 129, 47-55. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2019.03.006

Leleu, A., Dzhelyova, M., Rossion, B., Brochard, R., Durand, K., Schaal, B., & Baudouin, J. Y. (2018). Tuning functions for automatic detection of brief changes of facial expression in the human brain. NeuroImage, 179, 235-251. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.06.048

Guillaume, M., Mejias, S., Rossion, B., Dzhelyova, M., & Schiltz, C. (2018). A rapid, objective and implicit measure of visual quantity discrimination. Neuropsychologia, 111, 180-189. doi:10.1016/j.n europsychologia.2018.01.044

Dzhelyova, M., Jacques, C. & Rossion, B. (2017). At a single glance: Fast periodic visual stimulation uncovers the spatio-temporal dynamics of brief facial expression changes in the human brain. Cerebral Cortex, 24, 321-355 doi:10.1093/cercor/bh w  223 [PD F]

Luo, Q., Wang, H., Dzhelyova, M., & Mo, L. (2016). Effect of Affective Personality Information on Face Processing: Evidence from ERPs. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 810. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00810

Dzhelyova, M. & Rossion, B. (2014). Supra-additive contribution of shape and surface information to individual face discrimination as revealed by fast periodic visual stimulation. Journal of Vision, 14(14): 15. doi: 10.1167/14.14.15 [PDF]

Jaensch, M., van den Hurk, W., Dzhelyova, M., Hahn, A. C., Perrett, D. I., Richards, A., & Smith, M. L. (2014). Don’t look back in anger: The rewarding value of a female face is discounted by an angry expression. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40(6), 2101-2105. doi:10.1037/a0038078

Birkás, B.*, Dzhelyova, M.*, Lábadi, B., Bereczkei, T., & Perrett, D. I. (2014). Cross-cultural perception of trustworthiness: The effect of ethnicity features on evaluation of faces’ observed trustworthiness across four samples. Personality and Individual Differences, 69, 56-61. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2014.05.012  

 * = joint first author co-authorship

Dzhelyova, M., & Rossion, B. (2014). The effect of parametric stimulus size variation on individual face discrimination indexed by fast periodic visual stimulation. BMC Neuroscience, 15: 87. doi:10.1186/1471-2202-15-87 [PDF]

Wincenciak, J., Dzhelyova, M., Perrett, D., & Barraclough, N.E. (2013). Adaptation to facial trustworthiness is different in female and male observers.Vision Research, 87, 30-34. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2013.05.007

Keefe, B.D., Dzhelyova, M., Perrett, D.I., & Barraclough, N.E. (2013).  Adaptation improves face trustworthiness discrimination. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:358. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00358

Lefevre, C. E., Lewis, G. J., Bates, T. C., Dzhelyova, M., Coetzee, V., Deary, I. J., & Perrett, D. I. (2012). No evidence for sexual dimorphism of facial width-to-height ratio in four large adult samples, Evolution and Human Behaviour, 33(6), 623–627 doi:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2012.03.002

Re, D.E., Dzhelyova, M., Holzleitner, I.J., Tigue, C.C., Feinberg, D.R., & Perrett, D.I. (2012). Apparent height and body mass index influence perceived leadership ability in three-dimensional faces. Perception, 41(12), 1477-1485. doi:10.1068/p7342

Dzhelyova, M., Perrett, D. I., & Jentzsch, I. (2012). Temporal dynamics of trustworthiness perception. Brain Research, 1435, 81-90. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2011.11.043

Dzhelyova, M. P., Ellison, A., & Atkinson, A. P. (2011). Event-related repetitive TMS reveals distinct, critical roles for right OFA and bilateral posterior STS in judging the sex and trustworthiness of faces. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(10), 2782-2796. doi:10.1162/jocn.2011.21604