Andrea Conte

   Software Developer


University of Louvain (UCL)
Institute of research in Psychology (IPSY)  
Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS)
10, Place du Cardinal Mercier
1348 Louvain-La-Neuve \ Belgium

Tel : +32 10 47 27 34
Email :




I have always been interested in how the brain works, but from a different point of view.  My view is as a software developer.  I view the brain as huge complicated software ;-) and face categorization as a module of this software.  Lots of modules have to be understood, but I am sure one day we will find and understand all of them.

My role in this team is to create applications that will be used to test subjects in experiments and to help researchers in achieving the best results.  I use for that programming languages such as Java, C++ and Matlab.