Christine Schiltz
After studying sports (éducation physique) at the ‘Université Catholique de Louvain’ (1990 – 1994), I got my PhD (Human skill learning studied with PET: The effect of training on the brain activity related to simple visuo/-motor tasks) in 2000 and then went back to teach sports in Luxembourg (1999 – 2002). Between 2002 and 2006 I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Face Categorization Lab, and I am currently an Associate - Professor at the newly founded University of Luxembourg.
Research Interests
My main current research interest concerns the neuronal substrate of face and object recognition. As a tool I use fMRI and sometimes behavioral studies to investigate face processing in normal adult volunteers, but also in prosopagnosic patients.
Some of the questions that I try to address are:
- ‘What is the exact role of the face sensitive neurons in the fusiform, the middle occipital and the superior temporal gyri when it comes to processing faces?’
- ‘How and in which order is the information on faces transmitted from the primary visual cortex to high level, non-retinotopic visual areas?’
Since my PhD was on the neuronal basis of visuo-motor learning in human adults, I also keep an interest in the changes induced by learning and expertise in the neuronal response to visual stimuli.
Schiltz, C., Dricot, L., Goebel, R., & Rossion, B. (2010). Holistic perception of individual faces in the right middle fusiform gyrus as evidenced by the composite face illusion. Journal of Vision, 10(2):25, 1-16. [PDF]
Dricot, L., Sorger, B., Schiltz, C., Goebel, R., Rossion, B. (2008). The roles of “face” and “non-face” areas during individual face perception: evidence by fMRI adaptation in a brain-damaged prosopagnosic patient. NeuroImage, 40, 318-332. [PDF]
Schiltz, C. & Rossion, B. (2006). Faces are represented holistically in the human occipito-temporal cortex. NeuroImage, 32, 1385-1394. [PDF] [slideshow summary]
Schiltz C, Sorger B, Caldara R, Ahmed F, Mayer E, Goebel R, Rossion B. (2006). Impaired face discrimination in acquired prosopagnosia is associated with abnormal response to individual faces in the right middle fusiform gyrus. Cerebral Cortex, 16, 574-586. [PDF] [slideshow summary]
Rossion, B., Schiltz, C., Crommelinck, M. (2003). The functionally defined ‘face areas’ are sensitive to long-term visual familiarity. NeuroImage, 19, 877-883. [PDF]
Rossion, B., Schiltz, C., Robaye, R., Pirenne, D., Crommelinck, M. (2001). How does the brain discriminate familiar and unfamiliar faces: a PET study of face categorical perception. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13, 1019-1034. [PDF]
Schiltz, C., Bodart, J-M., Michel, C., Crommelinck, M. (2001). A PET study of human skill learning: Changes in brain activity related to learning an orientation discrimination task. Cortex, 37, 243-265.
Schiltz, C., Bodart, J.M., Dubois, S., Dejardin, S., Michel, C., Roucoux, A., Crommelinck, M., Orban, G. (1999). Neuronal mechanisms of perceptual learning: Changes in human brain activity with training in orientation discrimination. Neuroimage, 9, 46-62.
Dubois, S., Rossion, B., Schiltz, C., Bodart, J.M., Michel, C., Bruyer, R., Crommelinck, M. (1999). Effect of familiarity on the processing of human faces. Neuroimage, 9, 278-289. [PDF]
Dejardin S, Dubois S, Bodart JM, Schiltz C, Michel C, Roucoux A and Crommelinck M.(1998). PET study of voluntary saccadic eye movements in darkness : effect of task repetition on the activation pattern.European Journal of Neuroscience 10 : 2328-2336.