See also these two brief papers in French for a quick overview of our research on prosopagnosia and individual face recognition:
- La reconnaissance des visages (Cerveau & Psycho, 2008, N°25).
- Pourquoi nous ne sommes pas tous physionomistes (P. Lambert, La Recherche, July-August 2015)?
Reviews: Chapters in Handbooks/Textbooks
Rossion, B. (2022). What makes us human? Face Identity Recognition. In. A. Garcia & A. Ibanez (Eds). Routledge Handbook of Neurosemiotics. Routledge.
Jonas, J., & Rossion, B. (forthcoming). What are the contributions and challenges of direct intracranial electrical stimulation in human cognitive neuroscience? In. Axmacher, N. (Ed.) Intracranial EEG for Cognitive Neuroscience. Ch.4. Springer: 2022.
Dzhelyova, M., & Rossion, B. (forthcoming). Recognition of facial cues. Handbook of Cognitive Neuroscience, Sage.
Rossion, B. (2015). Face Perception. In Arthur W. Toga, editor. Brain Mapping: An encyclopedic reference, vol.2, PP. 515-522; Academic Press: Elsevier.[PDF]
Busigny, T., Mayer, E., & Rossion, B. (2013). Prosopagnosia. In O. Godefroy, The Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology of Stroke (p. p. 231-246). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rossion, B. & Michel, C. (2011). An experienced-based holistic account of the other-race face effect. The Oxford Handbook of Face Perception, Edited by A. Calder, G. Rhodes, J.V. Haxby and M. Johnson. Oxford University Press, 215-244. [PDF] (uncorrected proofs)
Rossion, B. & Jacques, C. (2011). The N170 : understanding the time-course of face perception in the human brain. The Oxford Handbook of ERP Components, Edited by S. Luck and E. Kappenman. Oxford University Press. [PDF] (uncorrected proofs)
Curby, K. & Rossion, B. (2010). Competition between face and non-face domains of expertise. In “Perceptual Expertise: Bridging Brain and Behavior”, Edited by D. Bub, M. J. Tarr and I. Gauthier. Oxford University Press, pp.245-268. [PDF] (uncorrected proofs)
Joubert, S., Rossion, B., Busigny, T. (2009). L’évaluation neuropsychologique de la prosopagnosie. In Traitement et reconnaissance des visages: du percept à la personne (‘‘Processing and recognition of faces : from percept to person’’). Edited by Emmanuel Barbeau, Sven Joubert & Olivier Felician (Eds.). Solal Editions, Chapter 9. [PDF]
Rossion, B. (2009). Clarifying the functional neuro-anatomy of face perception by single-case neuroimaging studies of acquired prosopagnosia. In “Cortical Mechanims of Vision”, Edited by L. Harris & M. Jenkins. Cambridge University Press. [PDF] (uncorrected proofs)
Rossion, B. (2009). Etude de la neuro-anatomie du traitement des visages par la neuroimagerie fonctionnelle. InTraitement et reconnaissance des visages: du percept à la personne (‘‘Processing and recognition of faces : from percept to person’’). Edited by E. Barbeau, S. Joubert & O. Felician (Eds.). Solal Editions, chapter 7. [PDF]
Rossion, B. (2008). La reconnaissance des visages. In Cerveau & Psycho N°25 (le magazine de la psychologie et des neurosciences). [ PDF ]
Mayer, E. & Rossion, B. (2007). Prosopagnosia. In O. Godefroy and J. Bogousslavsky The Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology of Stroke : Cambridge University Press. pp.315-334.
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