Yan, X, & Rossion, B. (2020). A robust neural familiar face recognition response in a dynamic (periodic) stream of unfamiliar faces. Cortex, 132, 281-295. PDF
Volfart, A., Jonas, J., Maillard, L., Busigny, T., Rossion, B., Brissart, H. (2020). Typical visual unfamiliar face individuation in left and right mesial temporal epilepsy. Neuropsychologia, 147: 107583. PDF
COMMENTARY Rossion, B. (2020). Are facing body dyads as special as (single) faces for the human brain? Cortex. PDF
Towler, J., Fisher, K., Rossion, B., & Eimer, M. (2020). Neural responses in a fast periodic visual stimulation paradigm reveal domain-general visual discrimination deficits in developmental prosopagnosia. Cortex, 133, 76-102. PDF
REVIEW Rossion, B., Retter, T.L., Liu-Shuang, J. (2020). Understanding human individuation of unfamiliar faces with oddball fast periodic visual stimulation and electroencephalography. European Journal of Neuroscience, 52, 4283-4334. PDF
Rekow, D., Durand, K, Baudouin, J.-Y., Leleu, A. (2020). Categorization of objects and faces in the infant brain and its sensitivity to maternal odor: further evidence for the role of intersensory congruency in perceptual development. Cognitive Development, 55, 100930. PDF
Bottari, D., Dormal, G., Bernaya, E., Villwock, A., Dzhelyova, M., Grin, K., Pietrini, P., Ricciardi, E., Rossion, B., Roeder, B. (2020). EEG frequency-tagging demonstrates increased left hemispheric involvement and crossmodal plasticity for face processing in congenitally deaf signers. NeuroImage, 223:117315. PDF
Jacques, C.*, Rossion, B.*, Volfart, A., Brissart, H., Colnat-Coulbois, S., Maillard, L., Jonas, J. (2020). The neural basis of rapid unfamiliar face individuation with human intracerebral recordings. NeuroImage, 221, 117174. PDF
REVIEW Rossion, B., & Retter, T.L. (2020). Face Perception. In: D. Poeppel, M.S. Gazzaniga & G. Mangun (Eds). The Cognitive Neurosciences, Sixth Edition, ch.11, pp.129-139. PDF
Retter, T., Jiang, F., Webster, M.A., Rossion, B. (2020). All-or-none visual categorization in the human brain. NeuroImage, 213:116685, 1-16. PDF
Leleu, A., Rekow, D., Poncet, F., Schaal, B., Durand, K., Rossion, B., Baudouin, J.-Y. (2020). Maternal odor shapes rapid face categorization in the infant brain. Developmental Science. 23:e12877. PDF
Lochy, A., Schiltz, C., Rossion, B. (2020). The right hemispheric dominance for face perception in preschool children depends on visual discrimination level. Developmental Science. 23(3):e12914. PDF
Yan, X., Zimmermann, F., Rossion, B. (2020). An implicit neural familiar face identity recognition response across widely variable natural views in the human brain. Cognitive Neuroscience, 21, 1-14. PDF
van de Walle de Ghelcke, A, Rossion B, Schiltz C, Lochy A. (2020). Impact of Learning to Read in a Mixed Approach on Neural Tuning to Words in Beginning Readers. Front Psychol. 10:3043. PDF
COMMENTARY Rossion, B. (2020). Biomarkers of face perception in Autism Spectrum Disorder: time to shift to fast periodic visual stimulation with electroencephalography? Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 5, 258-260. PDF
Dzhelyova, M., Schiltz, C., Rossion, B. (2020). The Relationship Between the Benton Face Recognition Test and Electrophysiological Unfamiliar Face Individuation Response as Revealed by Fast Periodic Stimulation. Perception, 49, 201-221. PDF
Rekow, D., Durand, K., Baudouin, J.-Y Rossion, B., Leleu, A. (2020). An ecological measure of rapid and automatic face-sex categorization. Cortex, 127, 150-161. PDF
Volfart, A., Jonas, J., Maillard, L., Colnat-Coulbois, S., Rossion, B. (2020). Neurophysiological evidence for crossmodal (face-name) person-identity representation in the human left ventral temporal cortex. PLOS Biology.18(4): e3000659. PDF
Hagen, S., Jacques, C., Maillard, L, Colnat-Coulbois, S., Rossion, B., Jonas, J. (2020). Spatially dissociated intracerebral maps for face- and house-selective activity in the human ventral occipito-temporal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 30, 4026-4043. PDF
Jacques, C., Jonas, J., Maillard, L., Colnat-Coulbois, S., Rossion, B., Koessler, L. (2020). Fast periodic visual stimulation to highlight the relationship between human intracerebral recordings and scalp electroencephalography. Human Brain Mapping, 41, 2373-2388. PDF
Vettori, S., Dzhelyova, M., Van der Donck, S., Jacques, C., Steyaert, J., Rossion, B., & Boets B. (2020). Frequency-tagging EEG of superimposed social and non-social visual streams reveals reduced saliency of social information in boys with autism. Frontiers Psychiatry, 11:332. PDF