COMMENTARY Rossion, B., & Taubert, J. (2017). Commentary: the code for facial identity in the primate brain. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.11:550. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00550 PDF

Peykarjou, S., Hoehl, S., Pauen, S., Rossion, B. (2017). Rapid categorization of human and ape faces in 9-month-old infants revealed by fast periodic visual stimulation. Scientific Reports, 7(1):12526.PDF

Quek, G., Rossion, B. (2017). Category-selective human brain processes elicited in fast periodic visual stimulation streams are immune to temporal predictability. Neuropsychologia, 104, 182-200. PDF

Benetti, S., van Ackeren, M.J., Rabini, G., Zonca, J., Foa, V., Baruffaldi, F., Resz, M., Pavani, F., Rossion, B., Collignon, O. (2017). Functional selectivity for face processing in the temporal voice area of early deaf individuals. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114(31):E6437-E6446. PDF

Xu, B., Liu-Shuang, J., Rossion, B., Tanaka, J.W. (2017). Individual differences in face identity processing with fast periodic visual stimulation. Journal of Cognittive Neuroscience, 29, 1368-1377.PDF

Retter, T. L. & Rossion, B. (2017). Visual adaptation reveals an objective electrophysiological measure of high-level individual face discrimination. Scientific Reports, 7:3269, 1-10. [PDF]

Vuong, Q., Willenbockel, V., Zimmermann, F.G.S., Lochy, A., Laguesse, R., Dryden, A., Rossion, B. (in press). Facelikeness matters: a parametric multipart object set to understand the role of spatial configuration in visual recognition. Visual Cognition. PDF

Gentile, F., Ales, J., & Rossion, B. (2017). Being BOLD: the neural dynamics of face perception. Human Brain Mapping.38, 120-139. [PDF]

Dzhelyova, M., Jacques, C., Rossion, B. (in press). At a single glance: fast periodic visual stimulation uncovers the spatio-temporal dynamics of brief facial expression changes in the human brain. Cerebral Cortex. [PDF]

Palermo, R., Rossion, B., Rhodes, G., Laguesse, R., Tez, T., Hall, B., Albonico, A., Malaspina, M., Daini, R., Irons, J., Al-Janabi, S., Taylor, L.C., Rivolta, D., McKone, E. (2017). Do people have insight into their face recognition abilities? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 218-233. [PDF]