Holistic face perception - composite face effect


The Composite Face Illusion


The two top face halves on the figure on the right are strictly identical (just mask the bottom halves to see that). Yet they seem different.

Based on this compelling visual illusion, researchers have developed a widely used composite face paradigm in order to understand how facial parts are integrated into a unfied percept.


This work is reviewed in the following paper:

Rossion, B. (2013). The composite face illusion: a whole window into our understanding of holistic face perception. Visual Cognition, 21, 139-253.

For more information on this review,  stimuli, etc... see our composite face illusion webpage


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Rossion, B. (2013). The composite face illusion: a whole window into our understanding of holistic face perception. Visual Cognition, 21, 139-253 [PDF]

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