A new set of composite face stimuli
Contributed by Talia Retter and Bruno Rossion, October 2013
Following the review paper published in Visual Cognition, we have created a new set of composite face stimuli, available for the scientific community.
There are 10 face identities and 5 composites per set -> 50 different images x 4 conditions (aligned, misaligned, regular size, 5 perc. size increase) -> 200 images total. These images are stored in two folders:
* Aligned composite face stimuli
* Misaligned composite face stimuli
A READ ME file explains how the stimuli were made, how to use it to build your experiment, and what the names of the files refer to.
We have also built a set of "exagerated" composite face stimuli, i.e. stimuli for which the bottom halves were slightly increased or decreaded in height to make the illusion more salient. These stimuli should lead to bigger effects (Rossin, 2013) and they can be obtained here:
* Aligned composite face stimuli_exag
* Misaligned composite face stimuli_exag
These stimuli can only be used in research studies, and potentientially in scientific publications/presentations. Please contact Bruno Rossion for any use of the stimuli in a scientific publication, and refer to the following review paper if these stimuli are used:
Rossion, B. (2013). The composite face illusion: a whole window into our understanding of holistic face perception. Visual Cognition, 21, 139-253.